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VIN Verification

Coordinator: Sara Couture

Length of course: 4 hours
Course hours: see below


  • May 5, 2016, 1200-1630 hours
  • September 7, 2016, 1200-1630 hours                                                                                                     

Fingerprint Certification is offered in the morning on the same dates and must be registered for separately.

Location: Vermont Police Academy

Tuition: None, if initial certification. Repeat/audit - $19.50

Registration: Fax the in-service registration form (Word or PDF) to 802-483-2343 or email it to our registrar at

It has been said that the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the motor vehicle’s equivalent to the human’s DNA.  The VIN’s 17 characters provide vehicle specifications such as where it was manufactured, in what year, the make, model, and body type.  American motor vehicle manufacturers have been using VINs on their cars since 1954, but it was not required on all vehicles by NHTSA until the manufacturing of the 1981 model year.

Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles (VT DMV) Inspectors instruct the VIN Verification Course.  Participants who successfully complete this course will be certified by the VT DMV to verify VINs as required by the Agency of Transportation on certain documents.

The skills and knowledge developed in this class will also enhance an officer’s ability to detect stolen vehicles, cloned vehicles and vehicles with altered VINs.

Successful completion of a written examination at the conclusion of the course is required for certification.