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Training Opportunities from Other Agencies

To have a training announcement posted, email the announcements to TC Adam Murach at please include "Training Announcement" in the Subject line.

Training Courses Available

Alco-Sensor FST PBT device

Online training, click link for more information.

ALICE Instructor Training

February 18-19, 2025 @ 08:00-17:00 - Registration Link

The Mountain School at Winhall - 9 School St. Winhall, VT 05340

This 2-Day Instructor training course is designed to teach participants the skills and strategies to increase survivability during the gap between the time a violent event occurs, and law enforcement arrives. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be a Certified ALICE Instructor and will have the knowledge and resources to train others in your community.

Drug Interdiction & the Complete Traffic Stop

Date/Time: September 23-24, 2025 / 8am-4pm
Location: Manchester Police Department, 60 Jeff Williams Way, Manchester VT

Click Here to See More

This two-day course provides an in-depth look at the latest criminal patrol techniques being utilized by successful interdiction units. Students will be able to recognize potential criminal indicators and what these indicators could mean. The course will encompass the professional roadside interview and officer safety issues. Furthermore, staff will showcase the latest concealment methods used by drug trafficking organizations. Students will walk through each step, from the initial traffic stop to the post-seizure arrest.

FBI-LEEDA Command Leadership Institute

September 21, 2026 to September 25, 2026
Location: Essex Police Department
Registration link is here:

The Command Leadership Institute (CLI) is part two of the three-step leadership series that makes up the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy.  The CLI is a dynamic and challenging program uniquely designed to prepare law enforcement leaders for command level positions.

The Command Leadership Institute provides real-life, contemporary, best-practice strategies and techniques for those who are already commanders or are aspiring to a command level assignment. CLI faculty members are passionate instructors who have executive level law enforcement and leadership experience.

CLI students will be engaged in such topics as: credibility, command discipline, liability, problem employees, and leading change within an organization.  The Command Leadership Institute is student-centered with a high degree of student involvement.

The cost of the Command Leadership Institute is $795.

FBI-LEEDA will send you a tuition invoice six-weeks prior to the start date of the class. To make special payment arrangements prior to being invoiced please email Finance at

  • The registration fee includes the cost of the training and course materials; the fee does not include meals or travel expenses.
  • Sworn and professional law enforcement staff are welcome to all FBI-LEEDA classes.  You do not have to be a member to attend a class.
  • Each student must register for classes under their own Username and Account.
  • There are no prerequisites for this course; Trilogy courses can be taken in any order.
  • A workbook will be provided; laptop is optional.
  • Dress is business casual.
  • This course is 28 contact hours.

For further information regarding this or any other FBI-LEEDA class, please contact FBI-LEEDA at 1-877-772-7712 

FBI-LEEDA Internal Affairs

Date/Time: May 12, 2025 @ 0830
Location: Pavilion Building Auditorium - 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602
Cost: $795

Click Here to Register

FBI-LEEDA’s Managing and Conducting Internal Affairs Investigation certification course focuses on individual skill development, procedures and contemporary best-practices for conducting and managing not just internal investigations, but all phases of administrative procedure by law enforcement and other governmental disciplines. 

The course of instruction addresses internal control processes, administrative procedure and agency accountability measures. The course content has value for all managerial and supervisory levels in law enforcement and other governmental disciplines (including, but not limited to corrections, correctional probation, fire service, human resources, and OIG entities).

FBI-LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute

March 23, 2026 to March 27, 2026
Location:  Essex Police Department
Registration link is here:

The Supervisor Leadership Institute (SLI) is part one of the three-step leadership series that makes up the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy.  While targeting to first-line supervisors, the SLI course is suitable for all police leaders – sworn and civilian. SLI students will be engaged in such topics as credibility, discipline, liability, and leadership styles. They will complete a DISC leadership assessment.

FBI-LEEDA instructors are current or former command-level law enforcement leaders who have not only extensive leadership experience, but a passion for teaching.

The following topics are covered in the Supervisor Leadership Institute:

  • Defining leadership, generational effects of leadership, leadership as a lifestyle, leadership traits
  • Building credibility, organizational credibility
  • Four pillars of discipline, immunity, supervisor liability
  • Participants will complete a DISC assessment of their personal leadership style

The cost of the Supervisor Leadership Institute is $795.

FBI-LEEDA will send you a tuition invoice six-weeks prior to the start date of the class. To make special payment arrangements prior to being invoiced please email Finance at

  • The registration fee includes the cost of the training and course materials; the fee does not include meals or travel expenses.
  • Sworn and professional law enforcement staff are welcome to all FBI-LEEDA classes.  You do not have to be a member to attend a class.
  • Each student must register for classes under their own Username and Account.
  • There are no prerequisites for this course; Trilogy courses can be taken in any order.
  • A workbook will be provided; laptop is optional.
  • Dress is business casual.
  • This course is 28 contact hours.

For further information regarding this or any other FBI-LEEDA class, please contact FBI-LEEDA at 1-877-772-7712

Field Training Officer Course

March 19-21, 2025 @ 08:00-16:00

Milton Police Department - 37 Bombardier Rd, Milton, VT 05468 

Cost: $575

Register Here: Field Training Officers Course - Dirigo Safety

Our three-day FTO Course is structured around the industry standard San Jose FTO Model which satisfies C.A.L.E.A. accreditation and is certified by IADLEST as part of the National Certification Program™.

Topics Include:

  • Field Training Program Goals and Objectives
  • Expectation and Roles of the FTO
  • Ethics, Legal and Liability Considerations
  • Leadership Skills and Concepts
  • Teaching and Training Skills/Adult Learning Styles
  • Evaluating Trainees Properly Based on Standardized Guidelines
  • Daily Observation Reports/Remediation/Practical Exercises
  • Pertinent Case Studies and Evaluative Videos

Intro to Commercial Motor Vehicle Awareness

May 21, 2025 @ 8:30 am-12:30 – Colchester AOT Facility (189 Troy Avenue, Colchester, VT)
May 28, 2025 8:30 am-12:30 – VSP Royalton Barracks (2011 VT Rte 107, Bethel, VT)

Cost: FREE   Contact to register

Registration: Open to any police officer who has a working knowledge of Title 23 and experience in motor vehicle stops.

Get all your commercial motor vehicle questions answered! Meet your area’s DMV Inspectors.  Classroom training followed by hands on time with commercial vehicles. You’ll learn CMV enforcement you can do right away without any special equipment. Topics include; safety around commercial vehicles during the stop, Commercial Driver’s Licenses, Canadian CDL familiarization, truck crash protocol, CMV violations in Title 23, and Drugs/Alcohol in a CMV.

MID-Level Narcotics Investigation

April 28-29, 2025 @ 08:00-16:00 (Registration @ 0730) - Registration Link

Bennington County Sheriff's Department - 811 US Route 7 South Bennington, VT 05201 

Cost: Free

Basic narcotic training courses focus on drug identification, types of informants, operational planning, and search warrant execution. Advanced narcotic training courses focus on drug cartels, money laundering, complex conspiracy investigations, and interstate/international wiretap cases. While these two types of training programs are a necessary part of drug enforcement, there is a considerable gap in the training available to law enforcement officers that target mid-level drug dealers. This training course will teach officers how to identify, target, infiltrate, and prosecute drug organizations that go undetected. Concepts utilized by federal agencies to dismantle interstate narcotic traffickers will be presented to show how the same concepts can be utilized by local and state police officers to dismantle narcotic dealers flooding communities with drugs. 

This training curriculum was developed to target mid-level drug dealers using all available resources including both state and federal narcotic and firearm laws. All the material presented in this course is based solely on methods and techniques that have infiltrated numerous mid-level drug groups and know how to attack every aspect of the group to dismantle the entire organization. 

To Register:

  • Visit the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center's website at
  • Click on Northeast Counterdrug Training Center "Enter Site"
  • Find the training that you would like to register for under Upcoming Training and select "Register"
  • Log into your NCTC account (an NCTC account is required to register for training)
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions
  • Click on "Register"

If you have any questions, please contact NCTC at 717-861-2070 

Open Source Intelligence

Date/Time: March 3-5, 2025 / 8am-4pm
Location:  Manchester Community Library, 138 Cemetery Ave, Manchester VT

Click Here to See More

This course is designed for criminal intelligence analysts, special agents, and other investigators. Students with any level of familiarity with the Internet and computers, from beginning to advanced, will find this course beneficial.   
The program gives students an up-to-date understanding of how social networking sites work and how members act and interact. Student will learn what information is available on various sites and how to integrate that information into criminal investigations and criminal intelligence analysis.

P.E.A.C.E Investigative Interview Course

Time: March 24-28, 2025 @ 08:30-16:30

Place: Essex Police Department – 145 Maple St Essex Junction, VT 05452

Cost: $1650

Registration Link

This insightful and highly practical five-day course is designed to equip you with relevant skills and techniques on how to conduct effective interviews with victims, witnesses and suspects with integrity and in accordance with corporate guidelines, the law 
and regulations. It is founded upon the principles of a widely used and acclaimed framework known as the ‘P.E.A.C.E.’ Framework of interviewing, internationally recognized as the most ethical, and thoroughly proven model to guide the interview process.

SFST Refresher Training

Time: February 26, 2025 @ 12:00-16:00

Place: Randolph Village Fire Department - 2 Central Street Randolph, VT 05060

Registration Link

This 4-hour Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) course is designed as a refresher for police officers who have previously attended and successfully completed the 40-hour SFST course. It is tailored to refresh the SFST roadside battery. 

Team Two Training; Law Enforcement and Mobile Crisis Training

March 27th, 2025 @ 8:30-16:00 - Registration Form
Green Mountain Tech and Career Center – at Lamoille High School, 738 VT-15, Hyde Park

May 7th, 2025 @ 8:30-16:00 - Registration Form
Miller Conference Room - South Burlington Police Department, 19 Gregory Dr, South Burlington, VT 05403

The Team Two curriculum focuses on collaboration between law enforcement, dispatchers, mobile mental health crisis teams in the field and others.  Learn the language, limitations and resources of your fellow first responders to mental health crises.  Use of Force policy, mental health warrants, screening/assessment difficulties and practical tips comprise this scenario- based training. Completion of ACT 80 (Interacting with Persons with a Mental Illness) is a pre-requisite for law enforcement officers.

Download and complete the registration form associated with the date that you would like to attend and return it to Kristin Chandler by the deadline at