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Impaired Driving and DRE Programs

2025 DRE School Dates:

Phases I & II March 24 - April 4, 2025 (Burlington, VT)

Phase III April 21 - 26, 2025 (Jacksonville, FL)

This impaired driving enforcement training program is managed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) on behalf of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). DREs are specialists in identifying drivers who are impaired by drugs and alcohol. Importantly, DREs are also trained to identify drivers who are impaired because of a serious medical condition requiring immediate attention. These skills will help ensure equitable treatment for all drivers arrested for driving while impaired.

DRE School is extremely demanding. To receive certification as a DRE, two phases of training must be completed. The following summarizes each phase:

ACADEMIC TRAINING: This phase is typically conducted over ten days (80 hours). It includes courses in physiology, vital signs, standardized field sobriety testing (SFST), and extensive information on each of the seven categories of the drugs of abuse. The training includes an SFST proficiency examination, five written quizzes, and three written examinations. Students must achieve a minimum of 80% on the three examinations and must demonstrate proficiency in administering SFSTs in order to progress to the certification phase.

CERTIFICATION PHASE: After successfully completing the academic portion, students must complete the certification training phase. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the certification requirements within six months following the DRE School. These requirements include conducting a minimum of 12 drug influence evaluations while under the supervision of a DRE instructor, identifying subjects under the influence of four of the seven drug categories, and attaining a 75% toxicological confirmation rate. In addition, the student must maintain a certification progress log and rolling log and submit a written curriculum vitae (CV). Finally, the student must obtain the written endorsement of two certified DRE instructors.

Click HERE for an article from the Police Chief Magazine, written by a Essex Chief of Police, Ron Hoague describing the many benefits of attending DRE training and how it can benefit your agency and the communities you serve.

ARIDE Refresher Course

Click Here for Registration and More Information

The ARIDE Refresher course was developed for law enforcement officers who have attended the 16-hour in-person ARIDE course. It is designed to provide the officers with key concepts taught in the full two-day training through an interactive web-based format to refresh their skills.

NHTSA's ARIDE training is a 16-hour, in-person instructor-led course that builds on the skills of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests to enhance a law enforcement officer's ability to detect impaired driving and enforce relevant laws.  With the development of the 4-hour ARIDE Refresher eLearning course, officers trained in ARIDE can refresh their skills without having to attend an in-person course; instead, they can access the course when their schedule allows, from anywhere with an internet connection.  Featuring highly skilled and well-trained subject matter experts from across the country, this course will allow learners to re-engage with the material from the in-person course while testing their knowledge through realistic scenarios and testing before, during, and after the training.

Officers can sign up for an account to access the training at  It requires minimal information and gives the officer access to all courses offered through the LMS. All courses are free and can be taken at the officers’ own pace.

Once your account is created navigate to E-Learning Courses, Drug Awareness & Enforcement, and select Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Refresher.

Upon completion, please provide the certificate of completion and the supporting documentation to Jen Hier ( at the Vermont Police Academy.  You will receive 4 credit hours for this training


Date/Time: May 8-9, 2025 @ 08:00-16:30

Location: Essex Police Department - 145 Maple Street Essex, VT 05452

Click to Register

Date/Time: June 23-24, 2025 @ 08:00-16:30

Location: West Dover Fire Department - 253 Vermont Rte 100 West Dover, VT 05356

Click to Register

DUI Detection/SFST course is a pre-requisite, and you must have at least 1 year of experience on the road conducting DUI investigations.

Please note that additional ARIDE courses will be offered throughout the year based on geographical location of officers who need it.  Please check back after February for additional dates/information or reach out to JamieLee Bedard at

DUI Detection/SFST Course and DMT Certification

Date/Time: April 14-18, 2025 @ 08:00-16:30

Click to Register

This 40-hour course provides police officers with the knowledge and skills to identify alcohol-impaired drivers, conduct SFSTs, and operate the DMT Infrared Breath Testing Device used to collect evidentiary breath samples for DUI cases. The course, delivered by VCJC-certified instructors, instructors from the Vermont Forensic Laboratory Toxicology Section, and the State's Attorney's Office, provides Infrared Breath Testing Device Certification.

The following topics are also discussed:

  • DUI Law and Case Law
  • Physiological and Psychological Effects of Alcohol
  • DUI Detection and Apprehension Techniques
  • Standardized Field Sobriety Exercises
  • DUI Processing Forms
  • Courtroom Testimony at the DUI Trial
  • Introduction to Drugged Driving

* Homework Required.

DMT Supervisor Course


  • April 24, 2025 @ 10:00 & 13:00
  • April 29, 2025 @ 10:00 & 13:00

Click Here to Register

This two hour course will train users in minor repairs, maintenance and preventative steps to ensure the DMT evidential breath testing instrument remains in proper working order. The course is taught by staff from the Vermont Forensic Lab and covers routine and scheduled maintenance of the DMT. DMT Supervisors also are trained to respond to errors and advise operators in the appropriate use of the instrument.

DRE Training School

Phases I & II March 24 - April 4, 2025. Phase III April 21 - 26, 2025.

For more information about the DECP visit, or visit

SFST Refresher Training

Time: February 26, 2025 @ 12:00-16:00

Place: Randolph Village Fire Department - 2 Central Street Randolph, VT 05060

Registration Link

This 4-hour Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) course is designed as a refresher for police officers who have previously attended and successfully completed the 40-hour SFST course. It is tailored to refresh the SFST roadside battery. 

DRE Online Continuing Education Opportunities

Title: The Effect of Drugs in a DUI-D Case: Narcotic Analgesics, Part 2 - The Toxicologist

Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Time: 1p-2p Eastern

Presenter: Lindsay Simpson

Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (NIRCL)

Registration Link:

Title: The Effect of Drugs in a DUI-D Case: Inhalants, Part 1 - The DRE

Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025

Time: 1p-2p Eastern

Presenter: Ofc. Robert Campbell

Apopka (FL) Police Department

Registration Link:

Title: The Effect of Drugs in a DUI-D Case: Inhalants, Part 2 - The Toxicologist

Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025

Time: 1p-2p Eastern

Presenter: Nicholas Tiscione, M.S., D-ABFT-FT

Toxicology Unit Manager

Palm Beach County (FL) Sheriff's Office

Registration Link:

Title: Cannabis and the Eyes (1.5 Hours)

Date: Tue, Apr 22, 2025

Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT

Registration Link: Registration (

As cannabis DUI cases are on the rise, it is crucial for both prosecutors and law enforcement to understand the specifics behind cannabis impairment. A hotly discussed issue in this realm is that of the effects of Cannabis on the Eyes. This session will seek to educate both prosecutors and law enforcement on this important area. It will describe and discuss various changes to pupil responses and eye movements that can occur with cannabis impairment, including: mydriasis, rebound dilation, eyelid tremors, lack of convergence, lack of smooth pursuit, and saccadic intrusions.

Title: The Effect of Drugs in a DUI-D Case: Cannabis, Part 1 - The DRE

Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025

Time: 1p-2p Eastern

Presenter: Scot Mattox

Maine TSRP

Registration Link:

Title: The Effect of Drugs in a DUI-D Case: Cannabis, Part 2 - The Toxicologist

Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Time: 1p-2p

Presenter: Kelly Lingen

Forensic Scientist – Toxicology

MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Forensic Science Services

Registration Link:

Title: The Effect of Drugs in a DUI-D Case: Poly-Drug Use, Part 1 - The DRE

Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2025

Time: 1p-2p Eastern

Presenter: Deborah Huff

DRE/ARIDE Program Coordinator

Nevada Department of Public Safety

Registration Link:

Title: How to Get Cooperation for DRE Evaluations

Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2025 

Time: 2p-330p Eastern 

Presenters: John Mayes - TN Highway Safety Office and Tony Burnett - TN Highway Safety Office 

Registration Link:  

Description: This presentation will highlight how to engage and get cooperation from a suspect during a DRE evaluation. Attendees will be able to understand how to utilize these methods after a traumatic scene or basic driving-while impaired incident. Presenters will share strategies to demonstrate to a judge or jury how a DRE obtains cooperation for the DRE evaluation process. Such information will provide both prosecutors and law enforcement with better skills to investigate and prosecute these difficult Drug DUI cases. 

Title: The Effect of Drugs in a DUI-D Case: Poly-Drug Use, Part 2 - The Toxicologist

Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2025

Time: 1p-2p Eastern

Presenter: Robert Lockwood, Ph.D., F-ABFT

Forensic Scientist, Sr.

Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences

Registration Link:

Title: DRE Testimony: What a DRE Officer Can Do for Your Next Drugged Driving Trial

Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2024

Time: 1p-230p Eastern


  • Kinga Canike – Michigan TSRP
  • Eric Wanink – Michigan TSRP
  • Sgt. Jim Janes – Michigan State Police

Registration Link:

Description: DRE officers go through many steps to gain the special skill of being able to identify drug impairment and the category of drug that is causing the impairment.

There’s the lengthy application process, two weeks of studying around the clock, a grueling week of field certifications, and requirements that must be met continually for maintaining one’s certification. All this is done to help these officers be the best in the field when it comes to not only detecting and apprehending drugged drivers, but also making sure these dangerous drivers are ultimately held accountable for their actions. But DRE officers cannot do this alone. They need prosecutors in their court to help get their testimony to court and across to a jury. It is important that prosecutors handling cases with DRE testimony understand how to use this critical evidence in court. In this webinar, the presenters will go over the following topics:

  • DRE testimony and how it can help prove a drugged driving case;
  • Different ways to use DRE testimony in a drugged driving trial;
  • Common challenges to DRE testimony and how to overcome these; and
  • How a prosecutor and DRE can prepare for court.

Title: Windows On Impairment: The Eyes Say It All

Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2025

Time: 1p-230p Eastern

Presenter: Karl Citek, OD, PhD, FAAO

Professor of Optometry

Registration Link:

Description: Use of intoxicants will affect eye responses -- that is, eye movements, pupil responses, or both -- in very predictable ways. This session will seek to educate both prosecutors and law enforcement officers on this important issue to allow for the better investigation, evaluation, and prosecution of drugged driving cases. We will review the changes in eye responses that are expected with specific intoxicants, and how such changes could impair someone's ability to drive. We will also describe changes in eye responses that can occur with some common -- and some not so common -- medical conditions as well as environmental conditions, and, especially, how these changes differ from those caused by intoxicants.

Title: Decoding SFST & DRE Illusory Correlations – Polishing Our Capability & Proficiency

Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2025

Time: 1p-230p Eastern

Presenter: Chuck Matson

Registration Link:

Description: Illusory Correlations are akin to the watery mirages seen at the end of a highway on a hot summer day. They are perceptions of associations that in fact do not exist. During this schooling attendees will learn how to decode and decrypt dubious schemes used as defense arguments on the street and in the courtroom. Fasten your seatbelts for this rousing exploration of proven methods to improve the quality of impaired driving arrests and prosecutions.

Title: SFST Evidence in Drug DUI Cases

Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2025

Time: 1p-230p Eastern

Presenter: Jennifer Knudsen

Colorado TSRP

Registration Link:

Description: While the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) provide law enforcement and prosecutors with some of the best evidence of impairment to present in court, the defense bar continues to challenge such evidence and claim that the SFSTs are not valid evidence of drug impairment. This session will address such defense attacks on the SFSTs in Drug DUI cases, providing law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and toxicologists with a better understanding of these challenges to allow for a better use of the SFSTs as evidence in Drug DUI cases. Participants will gain insights and practical tips on how to enhance their ability to testify persuasively as to the SFSTs in DUI-D cases. By fostering a valuable discussion on this issue and sharing illustrative examples, this session aims to empower law enforcement officers with a deeper understanding of the SFSTs, enabling them to step into the courtroom with increased knowledge and a greater sense of comfort and confidence. Additionally, it will provide prosecutors with the knowledge necessary to better utilize SFST testimony in a Drug DUI case. Such knowledge will contribute to a higher rate of successful prosecutions in difficult Drug DUI cases.

Title: Navigating the High-Ways of Poly-Drugged Driving: A Growing Challenge to Roadway Safety

Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2025 

Time: 2p-330p Eastern 

Presenter: Chuck Hayes – IACP (Retired) 

Registration Link:  

Description: Driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) is not identical to "drunk driving," and can be more challenging to detect and prosecute. Impairment indicators can vary from drug to drug and driver to driver. However, DUI due to the impairing effects of drug use is just as dangerous as alcohol, if not more so. Experts agree that the DUID landscape has changed dramatically, and drivers impaired by one single drug are not as prevalent today as in the past. Today's DUID "norm" is poly-drug or poly-substance use, with drivers often impaired by two or more drugs, or drugs used in combination with alcohol. This alarming trend is making roadside detection, arrests, toxicology analyses, and prosecution difficult, and has a dangerous impact on roadways. This workshop will address the current and evolving trends of poly-drugged driving and focus on how police can use their training to identify and take appropriate action when encountering a suspected poly-drug driver. 

Title: Drug Recognition Expert Testimony: Linking Investigation Clues & Cues to Driving Impairment

Date: Tuesday, August 19, 2025 

Time: 2p-330p Eastern 

Presenters: Devin Chase, DRE Investigator, Orange County (CA) District Attorney's Office and Jessica Le Orange County (CA) Deputy District Attorney, California TSRP 

Registration Link:  

Description: During a driving under the influence (DUI) case, jury instruction typically includes: the driver was under the influence of alcohol or a drug to the extent that their normal faculties were impaired. The phrase “under the influence” means that as a result of taking a substance into the body, a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle has been diminished. During the jury trial it is critical to testify not just to the facts of the case and the results of the standardized field sobriety tests, but to also articulate how those results show that a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle has been diminished. This session will instruct officers, prosecutors, and toxicologists in the various techniques that have been successfully used during trials to prove this key component of any DUI case. 

Title: Grabbing at Smoke: Proving Cannabis-Impaired Driving

Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2025 

Time: 2p-330p Eastern 

Presenters: Sarah Garner – NC TSRP 

Registration Link:  

Description: Cannabis cases are among the most difficult to try in court. Judges are familiar with horizontal gaze nystagmus tests and blood alcohol content measurements; however, it is difficult to convey the same information regarding cannabis-impaired driving cases. This presentation will offer strategies on how to boost an investigation and prosecution to succeed in court with a cannabis-impaired driving case.