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Level III Basic Training

To obtain Level III (formerly “Full-Time” certification), individuals attend a comprehensive residential Basic Training Academy. In addition, individual police agencies may have a pre- and/or post-basic training program.

To submit Level III packets or any required paperwork email Jennifer Hier

For questions about Level III Basic Training email Kenneth Hawkins

Basic Training for Police Professionals

The Vermont Police Academy conducts two level III basic training classes each year. The course is conducted in an environment consisting of both police discipline and academics, designed to prepare an individual for a career in policing. The curriculum includes Criminal Law, Defensive Tactics, Conflict Management/Crisis Intervention Training, Community Policing, Investigative Procedures, Motor Vehicle Law, Patrol Procedures and much more.

  • Students must maintain acceptable academic standards to remain in the program (minimum 70% average and maximum of four failures on graded assignments/practicals or competencies).
  • Athletics and physical training are mandatory and are as much a part of the training program as academics.
  • Classes run from Monday through Friday.
  • During the week students are required to remain at the Academy and adhere to Academy rules and regulations.
  • Upon satisfactory completion of the program students will be certified or certifiable by the Vermont Criminal Justice Council.


118th Basic Training Class for Police Professionals (Level III Certification)

  • When you submit a registration form you will receive confirmation that a seat has been reserved for your applicant.
  • PT testing is offered monthly at the Academy and anyone may sign up to assess their performance.
  • However, all potential recruits for the 118th Basic must attend and pass the PT test held at the Academy. There are three (3) sessions available, only one has to be attended and successfully completed. the dates are:
    • Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 0830
    • Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 0830
    • Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 0830
  • All incoming recruits who pass must then attend orientation at the Academy on July 12, 2024 at 0830 hours
  • Day one of the 118th Basic Training course will be Monday August 5, 2024 at 0800
  • 118th Deadlines
  • 118th Entrance Memo (includes packing list)
  • Level III registration sheet for the 118th Basic Training Course
  • Statement of Completion for the 118th Basic
  • Schedule for the 118th Basic
  • Medical History and Physical Examination
    • (Pages 1 - 12 & 18 to be completed by the candidate, 13 - 17 to be completed by a physician). 
    • Medicals must be completed no more than 6 months prior to being due. 
    • Anything older than 6 months will not be accepted.