Please Note: Many of the forms have been recently updated, If you have saved any forms to your computers please check and make sure they are the new forms.
If you are having trouble opening our forms please either open them in Internet Explorer or right click on the form you want and select the save as option to download the form.
All documents are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
- Agency Forms and Documents
- Waiver Forms
- Use of Force/Firearms Forms
- Canine Forms and Documents
- Vermont Crime Victims' Rights Form
- Level I and II Officer Process Forms
- Level III Academy Forms
- Field Training Officer Forms
- OOJ Waiver Process
Agency Forms and Documents
- Employment Notification Form (formerly Employment Registration Form)
- Instructor Certification Application
- Instructor Re-Certification Application
- Training Submittal Form (Internal use only)
- Instructional Time Submittal Form (Internal use only)
- Sample Training Log in Excel format
- Records Request Form (Used to request specific records from the Vermont Police Academy)
- Records Release Form (Signed by officer to enable the Vermont Police Academy to release their records)
- Documentation of Strangulation Form *updated and shortend due to the fact that many VT agencies have their own risk assessment tools.
- Agency Registration Form
- CEW Attestation
- Conducted Electrical Weapon Reporting Form
- Canine Detection Log and Roster
- Declaration of Compliance for Taxes, Child Support, Fines and Restitution form
- Canine Registration Form
- Acronyms Used in Training
Waiver Forms
- Annual Training Waiver Request Form
- Canine Waiver Request
- VCJC Recertification Request
- Transfer of Certification Request
- Level II or OOJ Certification Extension Request
- Instructor Waiver
- Indefinite Waiver
Use of Force/Firearms Forms:
- Annual Firearms Qualification Course - Effective 1-1-2022
- Annual Patrol Rifle Qualification, effective 2017
- Conducted Electrical Weapon Reporting Form
- VCJC Firearms Qualification Score Sheet in Word format
- VCJC Firearms Qualification Score Sheet modified for Backup and Off Duty Qualifications
- Use of Force and Tactics Reporting Form
- Buckshot Qualification
- Less Lethal Munitions
- Back Up and Off Duty Handgun Qualification
- Qualification Report Shotgun and Rifle
- Shotgun Slug Qualification
Canine Forms and Documents
Vermont Crime Victims' Rights Form
This customizable document was designed by victim advocates and law enforcement to assist police officers in notifying victims of crime of their rights and the support services available to them. It exceeds law enforcement’s statutory obligation as prescribed in Title 13, Chapter 165 and 167 to notify crime victims of their rights. This form has been endorsed by the Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council.
Directions for Use
- Agencies should fill out the highlighted portions of this document with their relevant local information. This information includes:
- The Agency’s name, street address, and phone number.
- The local state’s attorney’s name, their respective county, the office’s street address, and it’s phone number.
- The local domestic and sexual violence network program(s) information, to include, the name of the program and how to contact it.
- After filling in the agency specific information, this document should then be printed and copied as a double-sided hand-out.
Vermont Elder Abuse Form, Guide, and Resources
- Elder Abuse Help Guide
- Elder Abuse and Exploitation Form
- Elder Justice LEO Resources
- Elder Justice Guide for Law Enforcement
- Elder Justice Web Page
- Safe Accessible Forensic Interviewing for Elders
Level III (Full-Time) Academy Forms
Please Note: These forms are not intended for individuals - your hiring agency will provide you with required paperwork
- Click here for information on the Academy's polygraph policy.
- Entrance memo (includes packing list)
- VPA Academy Preparation Program
- 120th Entrance Memo
- 120th Deadlines
- Medical History and Physical Examination
- (Pages 1 - 12 & 18 to be completed by the candidate, 13 - 17 to be completed by a physician).
- Medicals must be completed no more than 6 months prior to being due.
- Anything older than 6 months will not be accepted.
Level I and II Officer Process Forms (Formerly the Part-Time Process)
Phase One - Level I and II Academy Forms
- Letter for the applicants (Includes packing list and arrival times)
Please Note: These forms are not intended for individuals - your hiring agency will provide you with required paperwork
- Level I and II Basic Training Registration
- Statement of Completion
- Pre-Academy Proficiency Firearms Checklist
- Medical History and Physical Examination
- (Pages 1 - 12 & 18 to be completed by the candidate, 13 - 17 to be completed by a physician).
- Medicals must be completed no more than 6 months prior to being due.
- Anything older than 6 months will not be accepted.
Please Note: Effective with the January 2014, the Level I & II Academy will require the medical packet.
Phase Two - Additional Training Hours
Phase Three - Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP)
- FTEP-1 FTO Daily Observation Report (DOR) in Word format
- Instructions for using the FTEP-1 DOR Please Note: This is a locked form and can only be filled in. The general text cannot be modified. If you wish to have an unlocked version, please email FTEP Coordinator Ken Hawkins with your request. Please include a reason for wanting an unlocked version with your request.)
- FTEP-1 DOR Standardized Evaluation Guidelines
- FTEP-1A DOR Narration Continuation
- FTEP-1B DOR Performance Chart in Excel format
- FTEP-1C Remedial Training Plan
- FTEP-1D Field Notes
- FTEP-1E Report Log in Word format
- FTEP-1G Written Warning Log
- FTEP-2 Field Training Officer (FTO) Checklist
- FTEP-3 FTO's Final Recommendation
Completion of Level l and ll Process
Field Training Officer
In order to be certified as a Field Training Officer (FTO), an officer must either:
- Attend the VPA School
- Must be a certified VT Officer for a minimum of 2 years
- Submit the FTO Certification Application
- Attend the FTO Certification School at the Vermont Police Academy currently offered in January of each year
- Initial certifications are valid for two (2) years
- All FTO certifications expire December 31st
- FTO Certification Application
- Attend an approved Out of State FTO Certification Course
- Must be a certified VT Officer for a minimum of 2 years
- Locate and attend an APPROVED Out of State Certification course. Ex. Roger Williams University, Granite State PCC. Etc. Contact TC Pennington for more information and to check on course approval
- Submit the FTO Certification Application-Out of State form
- Make arrangements with TC Pennington to take the 15-20 minute long VT Specific training
Failing to submit the Out of State Application or meet with TC Pennington will result in the Academy not being aware that you attended a Certification course and you will not be recognized or certified as an FTO until all above requirements are met.
- FTO Re-certification
After 2 years of certification a Re-certification course will be required. Certification will expire on 12/31/yyyy, 2 years after initial certification date
To Re-certify:
- Sign up for the yyyy FTO Re-certification Course
- Submit the FTO Certification Application as Re-cert
- Expired Certification
If your FTO Certification has expired:
- Within 3 Years
- Submit FTO Certification Extension Request
- Submit FTO Certification Application
- Make contact with TC Pennington
- Sign up and Attend the yyyy FTO Re-certification course
- Over 3 years:
- Make contact with TC Pennington. Over 3 years expired you may be required to re-take the FTO Initial Certification course, or may follow the same procedure for within 3 years. Dependent on length of time expired.
- FTO Certification Extension Request
- FTO Certification Application
OOJ / Lateral Waiver Process
- Waiver Process Release of Records Request
- Statement of Completion for the Waiver Officer Certification Process
- Waiver Process Registration form
- Standard Training Prescription