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Waiver Sub-Committee

This committee will support the full VCJC by reviewing, with the assistance of staff, applications for Level III waivers of training requirements with a focus on out-of-state waiver requests. In addition, the committee is charged with Rule 13 waiver appeals although committee responsibilities and workload will be the subject of ongoing discussion since this group has recently been re-established. The Executive Director or the Director of Administration will have responsibility for routine Rule 13 waivers and provide lists of those granted or refused while providing more information and resources for the more complex cases. (Applicable VCJC Rule: 18)


Sub-Committee Members
• Chair: Vacant
• Mark Anderson, Vermont Sheriff’s Association
• Justin Stedman, Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife
• Erin Hodges, Vermont Troopers Association
• Travis Bingham, Chiefs of Police

Agendas and Minutes