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Vermont Police Academy

Ambush Survival Tactics

Presented by Sgt. Ray DeCunto (Ret.) of RAD Training Inc. 

  • Coordinator: Sara Couture
  • Length of course: 24 hours                                                                    
  • Course hours: August 16-18, 2016: 0800-1700 hours                                                                                         
  • Location: Vermont Police Academy
  • Tuition: Commuter $504.00 (lunch included), Overnight $582.00
  • Registration: Fax the in-service registration form (Word or PDF) to 802-483-2343 or email it to our registrar at

This three day course is designed for law enforcement officers assigned to uniform patrol, street crimes or a violent offender unit.This course has minimal classroom mixed with practical hands on training. It will teach the student how to perform physically under stress during violent encounters against them and the citizens in their community.This course includes two training segments which include both tactical and medical.Upon completing the course students will receive a certificate for law enforcement responders in TECC/TCCC and a certificate for tactical patrol techniques.With increasing violence to law enforcement officers, practical scenario based training is paramount to their survival.Officers must be prepared mentally and physically to deal with any type of violent encounter. They must be confident with their abilities and have a solid working knowledge of what actions and tactics to use including medical trauma care.This course will provide the student with a strong platform to build from and expose them to the following realistic and practical training:

  • Mental and physical techniques for maintaining your peak performance to WIN
  • Less lethal and deadly force decision making through scenario based training
  • Dynamic and Slow deliberate structure clearing techniques
  • Techniques for traffic stops and related violent vehicle encounters
  • Close quarter shooting tactics
  • low light movement tactics and clearing techniques
  • Armed suicidal subject encounters; "Suicide by Cop"
  • Hostage situations: containment vs. immediate action
  • Tactics for foot pursuits
  • Tactics for ambushes
  • Rescue carries and trauma medical equipment needed
  • Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC/TCCC) for law enforcement responders

Ground Fighting Instructor Re-certification

  • Coordinator:  Jason Williams
  • Length of Course: 8 hours
  • Course hours:  0800-1630
  • Date/Location:  12 July, 2016/VPA gym
  • Tuition:  $17.50 Commuting
  • Registration: Fax the in-service registration form (Word or PDF) to 802-483-2343 or email it to our registrar at
  • Prerequisite: Currently Certified VCJTC Ground Fighting Instructor

This one-day training will refresh and review the program skills from the VCJTC Ground-Fighting Instructor Course.  Training will include a complete review of the course curriculum to refresh the skills utilized by currently certified instructors when teaching the program.   New course updates and materials will be provided during training.  Attire should include suitable workout clothing, athletic shoes, handcuffs and key. 

Use-of-Force & Tactics Instructor Re-certification

  • Coordinator:  Jason Williams
  • Length of Course: 8 hours
  • Course hours:  0800-1630
  • Date:
    • 29 June, 2016
    • 21 October, 2016 
  • Location:  Vermont Police Academy
  • Tuition:  $17.50 Commuting
  • Registration: Fax the in-service registration form (Word or PDF) to 802-483-2343 or email it to our registrar at

This one-day comprehensive training will recertify VCJTC Use-of-Force & Tactics Instructors in the disciplines of the Monadnock Defensive Tactics System, the Monadnock Expandable Baton and / or the PR-24 Baton.   Attendees should be dressed appropriately for defensive tactics training and bring their duty belt, handcuffs, training OC, training firearm and MEB and / or PR-24 baton.   Course participants will receive refresher training in all the skills from the programs and will be expected to pass a physical proficiency and written test.  Attendees certified in one, two or all three programs (MDTS, PR-24 & MEB) can attend the training at be re-certified at the basic user-level if they are not an instructor in one or more of the three programs already.  To qualify to attend, students must be an instructor in at least one of the three programs already.

Patrol Rifle Familiarization

  • Coordinator:  Jason Williams
  • Length of Course: 8 hours
  • Course hours:  0800-1630
  • Date/Location:  7 June, 2016/VPA Classroom 3 and range
  • Tuition: 
    • Commuting $19.50
    • Overnight $26.50
  • Registration: Fax the in-service registration form (Word or PDF) to 802-483-2343 or email it to our registrar at

This class is designed for the newly graduated police academy recruit, as well as the veteran officer, who is interested in an introductory course into the use and deployment of the patrol rifle.  This is a familiarization course only and not a qualification course.  Students are required to bring their own patrol rifle, as well as 150 rounds of practice ammunition for their rifle (no steel or aluminum cased ammo please), their duty belt including handgun and 50 rounds of handgun ammunition, and their ballistic vest that they normally wear on duty.  Weapon slings are highly recommended but not required.  This course will consist of classroom and range time.

Post Basic Shotgun Familiarization

  • Coordinator:  Jason Williams
  • Length of Course:  8 hours
  • Course hours:  0800-1630
  • Date/Location:  8 June, 2016/ VPA classroom 3
  • Tuition:  Commuting: $78/ Overnight: $116.50 (if the student is bringing their own ammunition then subtract $50.40 from the course cost)
  • Registration: Fax the in-service registration form (Word or PDF) to 802-483-2343 or email it to our registrar at

This course is designed to provide the newly graduated officer with the basic skills necessary to properly store, transport and utilize their shotgun or a refresher for veteran officers.  Topics covered will include operation of the shotgun, ammunition types and their usage, and proper deployment techniques.  The first half of the class is conducted in the classroom setting, and the second half of the day is spent on the range conducting live fire exercises.  Students are encouraged to bring their department’s issued shotgun or their own acceptable tactical shotgun; however the academy has some shotguns on hand for training purposes.  The student is also required to bring his/her duty belt including handgun, as well as the type of protective vest that they wear at work.  Students may bring their own ammunition, which should include at a minimum 50 rounds of handgun ammunition, 15 rounds of buckshot, 15 rounds of slug and 50 rounds of birdshot.  The academy will also provide ammunition for those departments wishing to include that cost into their tuition.  For those who bring their own ammunition and weapons, the only acceptable gauge will be 12 gauge, and all shotguns must be pump action or pump action capable.

Firearms Instructor Certification Course

Please read the course description in its entirety before calling to register.

Length of Course: 2 weeks (10 days, Monday through Friday) plus additional field work

Note: All participants must attend all classes during both weeks of the course to be certified as a Firearms Instructor.

Course Hours: 0800-1630, plus two evening sessions on Wednesdays which run until 2100 hours

Location: Vermont Police Academy scenario building and range


  • Entrance testing: 16 or 17 August, 2016
  • Week 1: 19 - 23 September, 2016
  • Week 2:  17 - 21 October, 2016


  • Testing: Free
  • Course:  Commute $273/Overnight $558

Registration: To register for this class, your department head or department training officer must send an email to Training Coordinator Jason Williams at .

Because of a significant need for instructors by some agencies within the state, registration for the course does not guarantee a reserved seat in the course.  Applicants will be notified in April of this year as to whether their seat has been reserved for testing for the 2016 course.

Application deadline is 7 April, 2016.

Prerequisites: Level III certified law enforcement officer with at least two years of consecutive Vermont law enforcement experience or, Full time certified correctional officer with at least two years of consecutive Vermont corrections experience or, Level II certified law enforcement officer with at least four years of consecutive Vermont law enforcement experience.

Note: Seating for this class will be first come, first served for Level III certified law enforcement and full time corrections personnel, except as stated above.  Level II certified personnel will be placed on a standby list and will be given seating on a first come, first served basis if space is available.  On the job minimum experience levels must be reached prior to the start date of the class.


Course Description:          The Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council’s Use of Force Committee has enacted entrance standards that a potential instructor candidate must meet for entrance into the course.  The number of persons who may sign up for the testing will be limited to 16 applicants.  Once the application deadline has been reached for the test, those first 16 applicants who meet the minimum prerequisites will be required to come to the Vermont Police Academy on either the 12th or the 13th of August, 2014 to participate in the entrance testing process.  The testing process will likely take all day to complete.   

The applicant will be required to bring their duty belt, duty handgun, flashlight and/or weapons mounted light, protective vest regularly worn on duty, as well as 300 rounds of ball, (FMJ or TMJ) ammunition for the test date.  Frangible ammunition will be provided at the academy.  Applicants who successfully pass the entrance standards will have a seat reserved for them in the class.  A description of the entrance test standards will be provided to those applicants who are on the test list, as well as study materials.

Those applicants who successfully pass the entrance testing will participate in two weeks of training in classroom firearms and the use of deadly force material, instructor development, range operations, coaching techniques and evaluation methods to prepare them to function as Council certified firearms instructors.

The instructor candidates will participate in practice teaching exercises, develop new and modify current firearms training programs, create lesson plans, become familiar with current liability and civil suit trends, practice range coaching techniques, and be oriented with required range forms, paperwork and firearms training documentation.

Participants must demonstrate the ability to conduct safe range activities as well as identify and correct shooting technique deficiencies of trainees, and to prepare and deliver lessons in a classroom setting.  The course will culminate with instructor candidates providing range activities with new law enforcement recruits under the guidance of the firearms instructor trainers.

Homework will be required for this course and must be completed between weeks one and two of the course.

A list of items that the instructor candidate will be required to bring to the class will be provided upon successful completion of the entrance testing.

Training Advisory and Instructor Committee Meeting

Coordinated by Cindy Taylor-Patch, Director of Training

The Training Advisory Committee (TAC) is comprised of representatives from throughout the VT Criminal Justice System. The TAC's primary purpose is to conduct comprehensive reviews of new and updated curriculum for both Basic Training and In-Service Academy programs (excluding use of force curriculum) - recommending acceptance or denial of these programs to the Executive Director. In addition to these reviews the TAC also periodically conducts scheduled reviews of both basic training programs (full and part-time) to ensure they are current and reflective of the current needs of modern policing. The TAC is also responsible for the review of Academy instructor certification/recertification requests in those circumstances where extenuating circumstances arise causing the staff to seek their counsel. In addition to these responsibilities the TAC may also undertake special assignments as put forth by the Executive Director or Council.


  • Chair: George Merkel, Chief, Vergennes PD
  • Vice Chair: Vacant
  • Kevin McLaughlin, Sheriff, Chittenden CSD
  • Barbara Zonay, Lt., VSP
  • Andy Thibault, Lt., Dept. of Liquor Control
  • Douglas Johnston, Chief, Springfield PD
  • Keith Clark, Sheriff, Windham CSD
  • Greg Eckhardt, Lt., Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
  • Mary McIntyre, Lt., VT Dept. of Motor Vehicles

The next TAC meeting will be held on March 24, 2016 from 0900 – 1300.

VT 9-1-1 40 Hour Call Taker Training

  • Coordinator: Ken Hawkins
  • Length of course: 5 days
  • Course hours: 0800-1630
  • Location:  Vermont Police Academy
  • Dates: September 12 - 16, 2016
  • Tuition:
    • Commuting: $89.50
    • Overnight: $243.50
  • Registration:  To register contact the Vermont Police Academy at 802-483-6228, ext. 10.  Standard in-service training application required.
  • Pre-requisites: None

Minimum number to hold class: 8
Maximum number in class: 20

A requirement for VT 9-1-1 call-taker certification, this course covers a wide range of subjects and utilizes actual 9-1-1 calls to expose students to a wide range of emergency and non-emergency calls.  The course includes units on the following subjects

  • Communications, telephone techniques and information gathering
  • Vermont 9-1-1 operating procedures
  • Stress identification and management
  • Liability, legal concepts and perception
  • Role of the call-taker
  • Introduction to law enforcement emergency communications
  • Special call handling for domestic violence, suicide, hostage and terrorism threats and incidents
  • Introduction to fire service emergency communications
  • Hazardous material recognition, questioning and call handling
  • Emergency Medical Dispatch
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