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VCJC Entrance Testing Requirements Working Group (Subset of the TAC)

The time has come to be able to deliver an online written examination that is relevant, contemporary and with as few biases as humanly possible. This test should be able to be administered by an outside vendor who can ensure that it is being proctored properly and securely. The same goes for the psychological profile assessment. The Council should approve three or more tests that are deemed credible and allow agencies to administer this test directly, online. The agency would be responsible for ensuring this has been completed. Although not a part of S. 124 this same committee should look at PT standards for the entrance exam, as the test is being reevaluated based upon national best practices.
This committee and the VCJC should also be aware of and discuss physical fitness testing requirements for all level II certified officers. Level II certification currently does not require an officer to pass a physical fitness test. However, these same officers perform several of the same law enforcement responsibilities as those who are level 3 certified.


Working Group Members
• Justin Stedman, Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife
• Sheriff Roger Marcoux, Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department
• Chief Jon Murad, Burlington Police Department (Chair)
• Lieutenant Tom Mozzer, Vermont State Police
• Lieutenant Steve Coote, Vermont State Police
• Wilda White, Department of Public Safety
*Others assigned from the larger TAC and identified agencies within S124 TBD

Agendas and Minutes

Unless otherwise posted meetings are held every other Tuesday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm via Microsoft Teams