SFST Refresher & DUI Update
- Length of Course: 4 hours
- Date/Location/Time: December 13 at Ludlow Town Hall Conference Room – Two session are available – 0800-1200 OR 1200-1600. Make sure you specify the morning or afternoon session when you register.
- Tuition: $6.00 includes materials and an updated SFST Roadside booklet.
- Prerequisite: Officers must be certified in DUI Enforcement.
- Registration: Fax the in-service registration form (Word or PDF) to 802-483-2343 or email it to our registrar at gail.williams@vermont.gov
Minimum number to hold in class: 10
Maximum number in class: 20
The purpose of this course is to ensure uniformity of Standardized Field Sobriety Testing as recommended by NHTSA, which strengthens the DUI case. The instructor will offer classroom instruction, critique practical application of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and review current law. There is no test or evaluation for this course as it is a refresher.