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Traffic Stops & Race Data

In accordance with Sec. 26. 20 V.S.A. § 2366, state, local, county, and municipal law enforcement agencies are required to submit traffic stop and race data on an annual basis.

Additionally in accordance with 20 V.S.A. § 2359 "(a) On and after January 1, 2022, a law enforcement agency shall be prohibited from having its law enforcement applicants or officers trained by the Police Academy or from otherwise using the services of the Council if the agency is not in compliance with the requirements for collecting roadside stop data under section 2366 of this chapter, the requirement to report to the Office of Attorney General death or serious bodily injuries under 18 V.S.A. § 7257a(b), or the requirement to adopt, follow, or enforce any policy required under this chapter.

(b) The Council shall adopt procedures to enforce the requirements of this section, which may allow for waivers for agencies under a plan to obtain compliance with this section. (Added 2019, No. 166 (Adj. Sess.), § 9, eff. Oct. 1, 2020.)"

Currently data should be submitted to the Vermont Police Academy, specifically to

The data below encompasses the year 2022.

D = Suspicion of DWI
E = Externally Generated
I = Investigatory
M = Moving Violation
V = Vehicle Equipment


NS = No Search
SPC = Probable Cause
SRS = Reasonable Suspicion
​SW = Warrant


C = Contraband
NC = No Contraband
X = No Search/Not Applicable


A = Arrest
AW = Arrest for Warrant
N = No Action
T = Ticket/VCVC
V = Verbal Warning
W = Written Warning

Law enforcement agencies in Vermont primarily use two Records Management Systems: Spillman and Valcour.  Unless individually linked an agency's data can be found in either the Valcour Data File or the Spillman Agencies links, use the built in filter options to find the Agency you are looking for.

Seven (7) agencies reported individually, all other agencies can be found in the Valcour Agencies Data Files located at the bottom of the agency list.


Agencies Listed Under Valcour Data
(See Data Here)

Agencies Listed Under Spillman Data (Linked Below)

Agencies Not Reported
(As of 12/19/2024)

Addison CSD
Barre City PD
Barre Town PD
Bellows Falls PD
Bennington CSD
Bennington PD
Berlin PD
​Bradford PD
Brandon PD
​Brattleboro PD
Bristol PD
Burlington PD
Caledonia CSD
Capitol PD
Castleton PD
Chester PD
Chittenden CSD
Colchester PD
Dover PD
Essex PD
Essex CSD
Fair Haven PD        Fair Haven Constabulary (FHPD)
Fairlee PD
Franklin CSD
Grand Isle CSD
Hardwick PD
Hinesburg PD 
Killington PD         
Lamoille CSD
​Ludlow PD 

Lyndonville PD
Manchester PD
Middlebury PD 
Milton PD
Montpelier PD
Morristown PD

Newport PD
Northfield PD
Orange CSD
Orleans CSD
Pittsford PD
Randolph PD

Richmond PD
Royalton PD 
Rutland City PD
Rutland CSD
Rutland Town PD
Shelburne PD 
South Burlington PD
Springfield PD
St. Albans PD
St. Johnsbury PD
Stowe PD
Swanton PD
Thetford PD 
UVM Police
Vergennes PD
VT Dept. of Motor Vehicles
VT Office of Attorney General
Washington CSD
Weathersfield PD
Wilmington PD 
Windham CSD
Windsor CSD
Winhall PD
Winooski PD
Woodstock PD

Hartford PD, Norwich PD & Windsor PD
VT Dept of Fish & Wildlife
Williston PD

Vermont State Police

Granville Constabulary




No Traffic Stop Data to Report

Hartland Constabulary

Richmond Constabulary

Office of Professional Regulation

Dept. of Liquor and Lottery

Castleton Constabulary

Warren Constabulary and DPS