The Vermont Criminal Justice Council (VCJC) has identified a need to appoint sub-committees comprised of individuals with specialized skillsets and expertise. These committees are tasked with the vetting of various issues within their assigned prevue and to subsequently make recommendations to the VCJC, through the Executive Director, relative to most current and established best practices affiliated with law enforcement training. This procedure defines each appointed committee, and committee makeup, and establishes guidelines for consistency in performance.
This Subcommittee and Working Group Resource Guide provides information on the objectives of each group as well as their membership.
For agendas and minutes for each separate committee or group please select from the menu. Subcommittees and Working Groups in bold are currently active.
Domestic Violence Subcommittee
Fair and Impartial Policing Subcommittee
Level II Basic Training Review Working Group
Professional Regulation Subcommittee
Training Advisory Subcommittee (TAC)