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Use-of-Force Sub-Committee

The Use-of-force Committee is composed of law enforcement professionals representing agencies from throughout Vermont, committee members range in rank from Officer to Chief. Members are appointed by the Executive Director. Committee members are advanced in their field and extremely knowledgeable in their arena of training, which includes the use of law enforcement firearms of all types and non-deadly use-of-force techniques and equipment. The committee has a myriad of responsibilities within its purview. Responsibilities include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Reviewing and recommending curriculum(s) for use-of-force classes related to Level I, Level II, Level III, and in-service law enforcement training.
  • Providing guidance to instructors throughout the state relative to use-of-force training
  • Recommending changes and improvements for the facility regarding use-of-force training
  • Recommending standards for use-of-force instructors of all levels and disciplines
  • Providing input for the implementation of programs related to use-of-force.
  • Reviewing special requests (i.e. – advanced levels of certification, time extensions, etc.) relative to use-of-force instructor certifications and re-certifications


Sub-Committee Members

  • Chair: Michael Akerlind, Sgt., Colchester PD
  • Vice Chair: Russell Shopland, Spl. Warden, VT Dept of Fish and Wildlife
  • Paul Sokolowski, Sergeant, VSP
  • Matthew Murano, Chief, Wilmington PD
  • Eugene Duplissis Sgt., Vermont State Police
  • Robert Currier, Senior Warden, VT Dept of Fish and Wildlife
  • Eugene Cote, Lt, Vt Dept of Motor Vehicles
  • Karim Chapman, Governor Appointed VCJC Member

Agenda and Minutes


Date Meeting Agenda Summary Minutes
6/28/2024 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes
4/26/2024 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes
3/28/2024 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes


Date Meeting Agenda Summary Minutes
2/9/2021 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes


Date Meeting Agenda Summary Minutes
1/14/2020 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes


Date Meeting Agenda Summary Minutes
10/16/2019 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes
6/5/2019 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes
3/28/2019 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes


Date Meeting Agenda Summary Minutes
11/5/2018 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes
7/18/2018 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes
3/30/2018 UOF Subcommittee - Agenda UOF Subcommittee - Minutes