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Domestic Violence Sub-Committee

The VCJC Domestic Violence Committee was originally formed in 2008 to create an eight-hour domestic violence and VCJC approved curriculum to meet training demands required through Act - 174, which added mandated domestic violence training for all Vermont law enforcement officers. Per 20 VSA §2365(a)… “to remain certified, law enforcement officers shall receive by 2011 at least eight hours of domestic violence training in a program approved by the Vermont Criminal Justice Council and the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.” Hereafter, the Domestic Violence Committee was charged with developing new domestic violence related trainings that continue to meet the Act’s statutory requirements. Vermont law enforcement officers must receive domestic violence training every two years to maintain certification and this training is required during even number years.

Academy Coordinator: Jennifer Firpo and Lisa Ryan

Sub-Committee Members: 

  • Carolyn Hanson, Attorney General’s Office
  • Jennifer Harlow, Sheriff, Orleans County Sheriff’s Department
  • Heather Holter, Vermont Council on Domestic Violence
  • Sarah Kunz-Robinson, Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
  • Doug Norton, Sergeant, Vermont State Police
  • Loretta Stalnaker, Chief, Royalton Police Department
  • Jodie Bacon, Claim Specialist Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services
  • Savannah Williams - Advocacy Program of Umbrella
  • Katie Newell - Human Trafficking Case Manager Coordinator State of Vermont - SBPD
  • Nicole Peatman - Essex Police Department - CUSI


The sub-committee meets on the second Thursday of the month, 1:00-2:00 on Teams.
In person location is 317 Academy RD Pittsford, VT
Link for the meeting:
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Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)
+1 802-828-7667,,736862372#   United States, Montpelier

Phone Conference ID: 736 862 372#
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Agendas and Minutes