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Canine Sub-Committee

The VCJC Canine Committee is charged with oversight of the Vermont Police Canine Training Program. The Program’s mission is to develop canine teams that are useful and effective for their respective law enforcement agencies. The program provides basic and in-service level courses which are certified by the VCJC. All training provided is based on practical, realistic, and field-related circumstances. Performance is monitored through formal training sessions and field observations to ensure remedial training is available when needed. The expertise of the instructional staff is available to all law enforcement agencies seeking development or improvements to canine programs. The committee ensures best practices consistent with current statute and case law are implemented within Vermont’s law enforcement canine community. Committee members assist with the evaluation, certification, re-certification, and other program needs as identified.


Sub-Committee Members

  • (Chair) Dustin Snyder, Warden, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
  • (Asst Chair) Richard Slusser, VCJC Head Trainer
  • Mark Redmond, Sergeant, South Burlington Police Department
  • Scott Dunlap, Captain, Vermont State Police
  • Eric Clifford, Corporal, Hartford Police Department
  • Jeremy Perkins, Officer, Lebanon New Hampshire Police Department

Agendas and Minutes